Tuesday, May 18, 2010

How One Haitian Pastor Views the Need in Haiti

The other day the organization sponsoring the pastor's conference I will participate in sent a letter expressing his regret about not being able to attend. He recently returned to his home in Canada from being in Haiti and communicated the following:

Dear colleague in the LORD!
Thank you for this interesting invitation to participate in the May conference in Haiti. I find that it is a very good initiative…
I came back from Haiti last Tuesday exhausted, but happy to have served the Lord in this physically devastated, emotionally traumatized country … despite the big number of evangelicals, and of overcrowded churches. The biggest blessing which our country needs it is that of a spiritual awakening of the church of Jesus Christ, and it will have to begin with the leaders.
Post traumatic disturbances of our Haitian brothers and sisters are very real. I saw them myself, having made [sic] the terrible experience of earthquake in Port-au-Prince on January 12th. Training will be very much useful, but it will also be necessary to consider the counseling for the pastors themselves, because they are traumatized shepherds called to serve traumatized people. …
I give you the assurance of my prayers for the ministry which you are going to do for the glory of our common Lord and Savior. I shall ask that God provokes the necessary workers, and uses the team which will leave as good comforters and counselors.
I hope that this conference will be only the first stage of a plan of action which will touch as much soul as mind of the leaders and of their flock. Needed are new leaders for a new church, a new church for a new society, a new society for a new Haiti.
Brotherhood greetings in Jesus Christ,
F.N.Ottawa, Canada

I think this man captures our heart for the pastors and people of Haiti very well.
Dr. Paul

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