Friday, September 23, 2011

The Tyranny of the Urgent

Today I was reading in the Gospel of Luke about how Jesus would take time to get away from the crowds and the hectic pace of ministry to spend time in prayer with God the Father. Luke 5:16 simply says, "But he would withdraw to desolate places and pray." Nothing fancy, just getting away from the craziness of life. When was he last time you withdrew to a desolate place to pray? For those of you who are raising young kids, you are probably laughing right now, along with those of you who are working two jobs to try to keep up with the financial needs of your family. I understand, I work two jobs, and my three kids were all young once too (we had a 4 year old, two year old, and an infant when Andrew was born).
The tyranny of the urgent can all get the best of us. It happens to us who are pastors too. But as busy as you and I might be, I don't think we are any busier than Jesus, whose mission was to save the world! And yet he found time to get alone with God the Father. Notice how Jesus would not only withdraw, but he would seek out a "desolate place." Do you have a desolate place? Maybe you can't get too far with your responsibilities, but find a place and time where you can be alone. It may even be a place in your home, or a nearby park, or even closing the door of your office or the front seat of your car. Wherever that place may be, get to it on a regular if not daily basis and spend some time, as unhurried as possible, and seek out the Lord. He will bless you for it, and you will find that you have lot more peace in the craziness of your life.
Dr. Paul