Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Haiti Day 3

Today was the second day of the conference. Each of the other counseling team members, Mike Wilkerson and Justin Holcomb of Mars Hill Church in Seattle, and Robert Cheong of Sojourn Church in Louisville, gave powerful presentations on how Faith, Hope, and Love can minister richly to the hearts of the these suffering pastors (Justin's presentation was so powerful that we had a mild tremor during it!). The idea of the conference is not only to give these men counseling insights on Post-Traumatic Stress but to minister directly to their hurts so that they will be renewed and refreshed. This will not only strengthen them, but eneable their ministry to their congregations and the people to be more effective.
We had a couple of Q and A sessions with the pastors where we addressed a lot of specific questions about what they are facing. Here a a couple of the questions we were asked:
The children of my church and the orphanage we run are acting out by fighting a being more physically violent since the earthquake, how do we help them?
A family in our church is having a lot more problems since the earthquake with anger between the parents and the children, and between the parents, plus itis disruptive to our entire church, why is this happening and what should I do?
Since the earthquake I have been more forgetful and confused, is this normal and what should I do?
I am struggling with hurt and jealousy of another pastor who received some aid money but would not share any of it with me, I now avoid him but I know it isn't right and I don't know what to do.
I have a woman in my church that is so depressed since the earthquake that she won't do anything as a wife and mother, won't come back to church, how can I help her?
These are just some of the many we are being asked.

In addition to these Q and A sessions I am talking to a lot of pastors, many through a tranltor, about individual questions and personal struggles. I have been so impressed with the resilience and heart of many if these men. They have been through so much,the weight of ministry burdens they carry is so great, and they continue to press on! I think of the Scripture, "Greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world." To God be the glory!
Blessigns, Dr. Paul