Monday, February 2, 2015

Living the "Lie"

This week I want to feature Susan Sciarratta from our counseling team.  Her post is about how we can get caught up in self-deception.

As we grow up, we make meaning from all the things that we do and experience.  Even the same event can be experienced differently by two people depending on what it means to them. A late afternoon thunderstorm may be an answer to a farmer’s prayer or a cancellation for a boy’s first baseball game. 
Likewise, our experiences can shape our beliefs, often without us realizing it.  For example, maybe you have a habit of always blaming other people for your personal misfortunes. Where did that come from? Somewhere along the way, you decided that nothing is ever your fault. Maybe you think that life should always be fair, or that all conflict must be avoided, or that you need to have everyone’s approval. These are lies that we believe, and the problem is that trying to live according to these lies and absolutes will eventually lead to disappointment and confusion.
Before you start thinking that Christians are exempt from these lies, think again. Christians shouldn’t show anger. Good Christians don’t get depressed. God can’t use me unless I am living a squeaky clean life. God will never forgive “that” sin. God wants me to be happy all the time. God will protect me from pain and suffering. Do any of these sound familiar to you or someone you love? Maybe you remember a specific time in your young life that led you to believe it, or maybe it took some years to develop this belief.

The next time “life” disappoints you, make a responsibility pie. Which slice belongs to you, and which to others? Does this situation impact what you think about yourself, or about God? Is there a Scripture or Bible story that parallels this situation? If this has happened before, was the outcome what you had expected? Were things ever not what they seemed at the time? Challenge yourself to seek the truth. Ask God to shine His light into the darkness of the lies, and rewrite that lie into a truth that will set you free from the chain of self-deception.

Susan Sciarratta

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