Friday, March 23, 2012

Government Tyranny

I never thought I would see this day, a day when the federal government would violate the freedom of religion by forcing a church to go against it's religiously based moral beliefs. The Obama administration is vehemently seeking to enforce its view of health care on every business and institution in America, including churches. Obama Care includes insisting that employers pay for birth control and abortifacients. The problem is that the Roman Catholic Church does not believe that birth control is morally proper. This is a not a matter of convenience, money, or the whim of the church. It is a matter of faith. The bishops are holding firm in their opposition to being forced to pay for something that goes against their beliefs, and so they should. Recently the Obama administration told the media they are looking for a compromise. But last Friday night they unloaded a further expansion of their policy to include all catholic institutions including day care centers, colleges, etc.
I am obviously not a Roman Catholic priest, and I personally have no problem with people of faith choosing to use birth control. But I respect the Roman Catholic Church's right to hold this belief. It is too bad our current President does not. This is the first time in American history that a President has tried to force his views on a church to go against their beliefs. If the American people allow this, there will eventually be no limit to what the government will dictate to people of faith. So much for the Constitution and freedom of religion.
Dr. Paul

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