Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Negative Impact of Long Term Unemployment

The Pew Research Center just completed a survey of the long term unemployed. They found that long-term unemployment takes a much greater toll on a person's emotional state, finances and career prospects as compared to short-term unemployment.
For the study, 2,967 adults were interviewed and of that group, 810 were either currently unemployed, or were jobless for at least some period of time since December of 2007. Those who had been unemployed for at least six months had experienced higher levels of "major change" in their lives as a result of the recession than those who had been unemployed for less than six months.
The study showed several areas of life that are impacted by a long period of joblessness.
Let's start with the obvious. Those who had been unemployed longer (six months or more) saw more of a decline in their family income, with 56 percent seeing a decline compared to 42 percent who had been unemployed for less than three months. Even those who had not had any break in their employment reported a 26 percent drop in their household income in the past 18 months.
But the study found other impacts as well. Strained family relations and loss of contact with close friends were reported at a higher rate by those who had been jobless for six months or more. And in terms of career goals, over 43% of the long-term unemployed said the recession has had a "big impact" on their ability to achieve their long-term career goals. Finally, the study found a significant emotional impact to long term unemployment. Those who had been unemployed for longer periods of time were more likely to report that they were struggling with such issues as loss of self respect, doubt about being in the right career, lowered expectations and feeling pessimistic about the future.
Do you know someone who is unemployed for the long haul? This is a wonderful opportunity to reach out to that person with the love of Christ. Are you someone who has been unemployed for the long haul? Don't isolate yourself from family and friends, reach out to your local church for help, and know that you are not alone. God cares for you!
Dr. Paul

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