Monday, July 9, 2012

The Latest Dsicovery "Proving" Evolution

Normally I don't comment on matters of science but earlier this week ABC News reported that scientists report discovering the "god particle." The god particle is what gives all matter in the universe its size and shape. They discovered it while smashing atoms together, breaking them down into their sub-atomic components.  When the two protons are smashed together, resulting in a tremendous release of energy and sub-atomic particles, this "god particle" is right there.  And this particle is supposed to be at the heart of the "Big Bang Theory."  The Big Bang Theory postulates that 13.7 billion years ago the universe rapidly expanded to eventually become the world as we know it.  This particle puts the bang into the big bang by supplying the energy needed to drive start the bang.
What does this matter to a pastor and family counselor?  Well, if evolution is true, then the Bible is false.  And if the Bible is false, I need to find a new profession.  Am I concerned that it is time to start checking the help-wanteds?  Not at all.  Here are some questions that evolutionist never seem to answer:
1.  Where did the god particle come from?  According to the laws of thermodynamics, it could come from nothing.  Seems to me you need a creator for that. 
2.  How can anything as intricate, complex, and ordered be the result of an explosion?   When you look at any explosion, it results in disorder, not order.  Oops, there's are those pesky laws of thermodynamics again. 
3.  Here is a new one just for the good people at the labs which discovered the god particle.  How did this explosion in your labs happen in the first place?  Was it a random, change event that took place on its own?  Not hardly, scientists worked for years creating the conditions for this to take place.  In other words, it took intelligent minds with a purpose to actually create this explosion.  Seems to me this, at the very least, supports the theory of intelligent design. 
So I will continue to live very secure that God is, and He is the creator of all that exists. 
Dr. Paul

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