Tuesday, June 7, 2011

What is Infidelity Today?

The national media are all over the situation with Congressman Weiner admitting to sending inappropriate, sexually charged text messages and pictures to as many as six different women. The congressman in his press conference yesterday seemed to draw a line between sending these messages, which he agreed were wrong, and having actual physical contact with these women. So where do we draw the line, and what is marital infidelity today?
I would like to suggest two points to consider in answer to this question. First, anytime you have to hide something from your spouse regarding any form of communication to a member of the opposite sex, you are being unfaithful. If you can't be open and honest about it from the get go, then there is a problem.
Second, just because there is any physical contact does not mean it is ok either. The sexually suggestive or explicit content, or emotionally making a connection to someone in a way that you should only be connected to your spouse are all examples of crossing the line of what is wrong in a relationship where two people are committed to each other. In addition, once you start moving down this track it is only a matter of time before the two people involved find themselves in each others arms in what would be considered cheating before the electronic era in which we live.
Unfortunately, while electronic forms of communciation provide wonderful opportunities to share information or stay connected with friends and family, it also makes inappropriate connections much easier. The best defense is having a strong moral compass to keep you grounded in the truth and in your commitment to your spouse.
Dr. Paul

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