Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Tis The Season

Tis the season for disparaging God and people of faith. At a time of year when the majority of Americans, even non-Christians, recognize Christmas, once again we have religious Grinches working hard to insult people of faith. Let me share three examples, in case you think I am simply a minister overstating the case.
Our first example comes from my home town, the City of Philadelphia. For the last three years the city has allowed a company to set up a Christmas Village similar to those found in Germany to sell items. Various vendors set up their shops and there is a festive atmosphere to the event. This year, the city managing director ordered the removal of the word “Christmas” from the large sign welcoming people, so now there is a blank space and just the word “Village.” When asked why, he said that he did not want to offend people of other religions, and there were vendors of other religious faiths present. When Channel 6 news interviewed people of various faiths, and even non-Christian vendors, no one had a problem with the sign. With all of the problems faced by City of Brotherly Love, is the word Christmas really all that important to remove? Is there no brotherly love for people of faith?
Now let’s turn to the hallowed halls of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC. Recently you would find an exhibit which depicts Jesus being eaten by a swarm of ants. This, of course, in the name of art. When people started to express outrage at such an offensive depiction of Jesus, the Smithsonian said no public funds were used to pay for the display. No public funds? Are you kidding me? How about my taxes which pay for the heat, the electricity, the personnel, etc. Thankfully, the display has now been removed.
Lest you think this just an East coast phenomena, let's go to Tacoma, Washington where a high school football playoff game was held on Monday between East Valley and Tumwater. A player was flagged in the endzone for doing something millions of Americans do every day, he offered a brief prayer of thanks to God. Like he's done so many times this season, Tumwater star running back Ronnie Hastie powered his way into the end zone then dropped to a knee and pointed to the sky."It's just something I do every time I get in the end zone to honor my Lord cause I play for him, I give him the glory cause he's the one that gives me the strength," said Hastie.Except this time, the referee flagged Hastie for unsportsmanlike conduct, a 15 yard penalty. When you see some of the rediculous displays of NFL players when they score a touchdown, is a boy dropping to one knee and thanking God really unsportsmanlike. Seems pretty humble to me.
So there you have it, tis the season for hostility toward God and people of faith, well, actually, toward Jesus and people of faith who are Christians. Think I am eggagerating? Imagine if any of these examples involved Judaism, or Islam, or Buddhism, or any other faith. The left and the media would be screaming intollerance, bigotry, and a failure to appreciate diversity. Something to think about.
Dr. Paul

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