Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day

If you listen to the mass media and our culture, the celebration of Valentine's Day is all about candy, flowers, cards, etc. It is about falling in love. I hate that terminology. You fall in ditches, potholes and trenches. When it comes to love, it is all about commitment. You make a choice to love someone, to care, to be vulnerable, to give and give yourself to that person. Certainly there is nothing wrong with romance, it is a lot of fun when you meet the right person, and to sustain the fun and fan the flame of a marriage.
I want to encourage you to think about love not just on Valentine's Day, but throughout the year. The effort and thought you may have put into today to make it special is something that should be an on going effort, something you think about on a regular basis. Marriage, like other important things in life, takes work. In my marraige, when I go on autopilot, when I take it for granted, we quickly begin to drift apart. We get into the rut of going through the motions, conversation is about the functions of our family (who needs to be where and when, what time is dinner, did anyone feed the dog, etc.), and there just isn't the same degree of closeness between us.
I can give you this guarantee, make every day Valentine's Day and you will divorce proof your marriage.
Dr. Paul

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