Saturday, January 31, 2009

Tragic Loss

This week was one of the saddest of my ministry. And once again, it involved the loss of a police officer killed in the line of duty. Officer Chris Jones of the Middletown Police was pinned under his police car after it was struck by a careless, speeding driver. I did not know officer Jones when the day began, but I got to know him quickly after recieving a call from the Bucks County Critical Incident Response Team. I serve as a chaplain on the team, and we respond to Police, Fire, and EMS departments when they have faced a tragic or critical incident, often involving the serious injury of death of one of their members in the line of duty. My heart goes out to his wife, Suzanne, and their three children who now must deal with his death and life without him, along with his fellow squad members and the entire MPD. An incident like this evokes a response in me on a number of levels. The bravery of those willing to wear the uniform and badge who stand in harm's way for all of us. The recklessness of those unwilling to slow down and take the time to be safe. The tragis loss of a young man who was simply doing his job, and from what I have been told, did it with great passion and concern for others.
One of the things God has spoken to my heart in all of this is how fragile life is. When officer Jones left Thursday morning for work, he never knew that it would be his last. When I left for my office on that same morning, I did not know I would be asked to minister in a situation where there are no pat answers, easy words, or satisfying explanations. I came home on Thursday evening exhausted, drained, but determined. Determined to hug my wife harder, to spend more time with my family, and to never take them for granted. You just never know. Determined to live every moment God gives me to the fullest and for His glory. Pray for this family, for his fellow officers, and for me as the one thing they need is to know our God's love, care, and provision for them as our refuge and strength, and ever present help in trouble (Psalm 46:1).
Dr. Paul

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